Cassatt and PRR videos

Videos about Alexander Johnston Cassatt's professional life and Penn Station
Penn Station clip from NYC documentary
An excerpt about the destruction of Penn Station from a documentary on New York City, posted on YouTube by "Aaron C."
Penn Station short
Trailer of an abandoned documentary about Penn Station by Michael Tramis
Tunnel excavation along 7th and 8th Avenues to Penn Station 1905
From the Library of Congress via YouTube. A film made on August 20, 1905.
The Destruction of Penn Station
A short piece about the destruction of Penn Station from a History Channel documentary taken from YouTube.
Old Penn Station slideshow by on YouTube
From YouTube, a Penn Station historical slideshow produced by "madercic3aolcom."
A New Penn Station - Municipal Art Society, NYC
An MAS piece on comments from top 3 architectural firms bidding on design for new Penn Station, Oct 2013.
From 1936 film "Broadway Limited"
From the 1936 film "Broadway Limited," posted on YouTube by "sfo1164." An excellent look at the workings of the PRR at that time.
Cassatt's Grammercy Mansion B&B
A majestic Tudor style mansion in Maryland's Greenspring Valley, Cassatt presented this to his daughter as a wedding present. Today, guests enjoy many…
Penn Station 1959 excerpt
From the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, this archive clip is Penn Station in 1959. You will notice the grimy appearance of this beautiful structure, as the…
Secrets of Penn Station 2013
A video clip about Penn Station produced by New York's in October 2013